Friday, April 5, 2013

Testing out the Chinook

My little guy all cozy!

Chariot Chinook 2 and 4 Month Old

Here are a few pictures of my 4 month old actually sitting in the Chinook.
All pictures with him sitting on the right are with the baby supporter that comes with the First Year of Life package.
My little guy is actually really big for his age; he is about 18 lbs here.

Not sure why but the baby supporter doesn't look like it would be comfortable for my little guy. Maybe if his torso wasn't as long it would work better. I feel like the head supporter kinda makes his head stick which you can see a bit in the following pictures. Again I would be curious to know the fit on a smaller baby.

I have the higher floor attached in these pictures. In some of the bottom pictures the floor is rolled up. 

The rest of the pictures my boy is sitting on the right without the Baby Supporter and hip padding. 

It is really easy to adjust the straps and the clips can be undone to make it even easier to remove the child from the carrier. But as you can see the strap padding doesn't really quite seem to cover the shoulder clip thing for lack of better word. 

The next few are with the seat reclined. 
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